Under vine care, soil cultivation


Constant work through the row with machinery or grape harvesters cause soil compaction. This can lead to nutrient deficiency, waterlogging and siehe vollständige Beschreibung

Constant work through the row with machinery or grape harvesters cause soil compaction. This can lead to nutrient deficiency, waterlogging and crop stress the following year. The Bison coulters are the economical solution for lifting and loosening soil up to 50 cm deep. The weed is first broken up with the disc and then lifted with the coulters. The coulters are particularly suitable for grass swaths, where cutting the grass allows winter moisture to penetrate the soil and freeze it, helping to break big amounts of compacted earth.

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Experte für die Herstellungstechnologie von Weinen, Säften, Mets und vielen anderen Getränken. Ein erfahrener Berater im Bereich Design und Maschinen von weit gefassten Obst- und Gemüseverarbeitungsbetrieben.