
Granulated activated carbon, Granucol® GE

Verfügbarkeit: Produkt niedostępny
Granucol® GE Granulated activated carbon for sensory treatment The individual Granucol® types are activated carbon pellets of siehe vollständige Beschreibung
Granucol® GE Granulated activated carbon for sensory treatment
The individual Granucol® types are activated carbon pellets of plant origin. Granucol® is prepared from activated carbon powder with correspondingly varied inner surface, thus specific adsorption capacity. Moreover, the special production process assures an excellent distribution of the individual pellets.
At a glance:
  • Product Selective reacting activated carbon
  • Range of use Juice and wine
  • Goal For reduction of tannins and polyphenols and for the elimination of high‐colour due to browning reactions

Special features Selective removal of off-flavors and preservation of color

Dosage 10 – 30 g/100 L wine
10 – 100 g/100 L juice
50 – 100 g/100 L spirits
Packaging unit 1 kg
5 kg
10 kg
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