
Juice pasteuriser PA500 gas

Gewicht: 332 kg
Produktionsland: Austria
Herstellergarantie: 1 rok
Nennleistung kg / h: 500 l/h
Produktcode: PA 500
Verfügbarkeit: 14 days
High-performance gas pasteurizer from the Austrian company Voran. Device capacity: 500 l/h. Gas, flow pasteurizer with a tubular heat exchanger siehe vollständige Beschreibung
Bruttopreis: 28 265
Nettopreis: 22 980

High-performance gas pasteurizer from the Austrian company Voran. Device capacity: 500 l/h.

Gas, flow pasteurizer with a tubular heat exchanger with automatic temperature control for pasteurization of fruit and vegetable juices. The pasteurizer is compatible with the Voran MBF750 filling machine, creating an automatic juice bottling system. The device can be additionally equipped with a system for the pasteurization of smoothie juices.

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