
Hersteller: TMCI Padovan
A 1 hl microbrewery is an ideal solution for restaurants and agritourism farms that want to offer their own beers to their customers. The device can also be used in testing new recipes or training
Hersteller: TMCI Padovan
A 2,5 hl microbrewery is an ideal solution for restaurants and agritourism farms that want to offer their own beers to their customers. The device can also be used in testing new recipes or
Hersteller: TMCI Padovan
A 5 hl microbrewery is an ideal solution for restaurants and agritourism farms that want to offer their own beers to their customers. The device can also be used in testing new recipes or
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Seweryn Fabijaniak
Experte für die Herstellungstechnologie von Weinen, Säften, Mets und vielen anderen Getränken. Ein erfahrener Berater im Bereich Design und Maschinen von weit gefassten Obst- und Gemüseverarbeitungsbetrieben.