Hersteller: Erbsloh
CarboTec GE ensures early and gentle adsorption of impurities in grape must without impairing the aroma. Its use is a preventative measure to remove impurities, such as spraying residues, or
55 Up to 10 days
Hersteller: Erbsloh
Granucol products are made of activated carbon pellets of plant origin. The carbon pellets undergo a special production process that ensures high adsorbency properties and easy dissolution before
11 Produkt niedostępny
Hersteller: Erbsloh
Granucol® GE Granulated activated carbon for sensory treatment The individual Granucol® types are activated carbon pellets of plant origin. Granucol® is prepared from activated
32 Produkt niedostępny
Hersteller: Erbsloh
Granucol® FA Granulated activated carbon for colour corrections The individual Granucol® types are activated carbon pellets of plant origin. Granucol® is prepared from activated
252 24 h
Hersteller: Erbsloh
Plant-derived activated carbon for colour adsorption Akticol FA is an acid-activated, plant-based charcoal specifically developed for decolouration. Akticol FA therefore does not impair
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Seweryn Fabijaniak
Experte für die Herstellungstechnologie von Weinen, Säften, Mets und vielen anderen Getränken. Ein erfahrener Berater im Bereich Design und Maschinen von weit gefassten Obst- und Gemüseverarbeitungsbetrieben.