Hersteller: Erbsloh
MaloStar® Nutri Nutrient for malolactic fermentation MaloStar® Nutri promotes the supply of nutrients to MLF cultures and thereby guarantees the rapid onset of malolactic
Hersteller: Erbsloh
MaloStar® FruitMLF without buttery notes for white, rosé and red wines MaloStar® Fruit forms no diacetyl, which allows the wine´s inherent fruit and varietal character to
Hersteller: Erbsloh
MaloStar® Terra. Ideal for MLF in red wines MaloStar® Terra helps to achieve exemplary MLFs in red wines. The low formation of diacetyl is coupled with an equally low development
Hersteller: Erbsloh
Protection against MLF bacteria, alternative to SO2
Fumaric acid inhibits bacteria. Permeation through the lactic acid bacteria cell membrane reduces the intracellular pH in the cytoplasm
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Seweryn Fabijaniak
Experte für die Herstellungstechnologie von Weinen, Säften, Mets und vielen anderen Getränken. Ein erfahrener Berater im Bereich Design und Maschinen von weit gefassten Obst- und Gemüseverarbeitungsbetrieben.